Wednesday 7 August 2024

The development of Dhopadhola

Among the approved O-level subjects examined by 
the National Examinal Board is 

By Gabriel Obbo-Katandi

Padhola through the leadership of His Highness Kwar Adhola has embraced the government's White Paper of 1992, that introduces policies that aim to eradicate literacy and emphasizes teaching nursery and lower primary pupils, in a language they are familiar with - preferablily their mother language.

The  main emphasis of the  curriculum developed then was the development of learners' skill in numeracy, literary and  life skills. All these were thought better done in a language that the learners are familiar with. In case of Jopadhola children in Padhola, this was dhopadhola

To meet the  requirements of the  Ministry of the  Education and Sport then, Kwar Adhola and The Adhola Cultural Institution (TACI) introduced a ministry of  Dhopadhola Development and a language  Board.

The Dhopadhola Language  Board developed dhopadhola authography which was accepted by  Ministry  of Education and Sport after the  approval process by National Curriculum Development Centre in Kyambogo.  

The  completion of this stage enabled the official acceptance of the dhopadhola language to be used as medium of  instruction in nursery and  lower primary (P-3)  in all dhopadhola  speaking areas  

That stage also allowed Dhopadhola to be taught in Padhola as a subject. 

Dhopadhola is  now asubject from Primary 4 though to Primary 7. The development of Dhopadhola Authography has enabled it  to be taught as one of the elective subjects at lower secondary  education in  Uganda. 

At O-level, among the National Curriculum approved subjects is dhopadhola and indeed at the National Examinal Board, and we have had several candidates at the level in the past few years. 

Makerere University the school of linguistics offers dhopadhola as one the  languages of study among the Luo languages.  We now have candidates who are taking Dhopadhola as a language of study for Doctorate of philosophy PhD.  

These achievements have  come with a number of challenges.

At the district of Tororo headquarters,  where the  Language Board  for  Dhopadhola is supposed to operate from, there has been very little support realised.

Despite  the existance of authograph  many people have not adopted it's use.  This is common even among those who attempt to write dhopadhola books

Archbishop Obbo hands Museveni a bible
Although the churches  (Christians) have the Holy Bible
in dhopadhola, they need to have a deliberate effort to help their
 institutions to use correct dhopadhola in spoken and written from

Many people speak very poor dhopadhola. These may be common because schools for over 50 years have not put much interest in ensuring proper dhopadhola is spoken and written. The  situation of dhopadhola at family and community is  probabily even worse.

Because of lack of resources, not many activities have occured to develop dhopadhola beyond the approval process and the use of dhopadhola in educational institutions. 

Although the churches  (Christians) have the Holy Bible in dhopadhola, they need to have a deliberate effort to help their institutions to use correct dhopadhola in spoken and written from.

Probabily you and me  are waiting for occasion when the Tieng Adhola  Cultural Institution will fully adopt and adopt to the use of dhopadhola since it is the institutions official language.

Use of Dhopadhola in school was also done with inadequate preparations for  teachers. Therefore Dhopadhola as a subject does not have firm custodians in the educational institutions. 

We badly need  resources to support the growth of correct dhopadhola among  our people.

It is a strong hope that with help of the new radio station, the coming television together with increased activities among the Jopadhola,  we shall over come some of these challege.

With  the help of God Almighty and adequate seriousness from all the  people of Padhola, we always hope for the best.


Hon. Gabriel Obbo-Katandi is Minister for Dhopadhola Development Tieng Adhola Cultural Institution.

This article was written for the 25th Coronation Anniversary magazine

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